Fashion Career Mod

August 11, 2017

This game play mod includes:
The ability to join a new career in game: Fashion Career
The ability to later branch off to one of three branches: Model, Fashion Journalist or Designer.

Tons of custom mood lets
Custom career tones (actions) which your Sims can do while at work
Custom “chance cards” which will give your Sims a positive or negative work boost depending on your answer!
Models can practice modeling in the mirror
Models who have a higher career level can “walk the runway” while at work and can receive a variety of mood lets depending on their skill level!
Models can offer fashion advice, or brag about being a model!
Models earn a special trait at the top of their career which enhances their friendships and relationships.

Designer Sims can create custom fashion designs on the easel- as their painting skill increases, their designs get better (over 30 custom painting designs).
Designers can also sell their work for profit
and will receive a notification each time, telling whether or not their work was chosen by a top fashion label
Designers receive a trait at the top of their career which allows them to sell their own fashions at a much higher profit
Journalists can interview other Sims about their outfits, then write positive or negative articles about them (be careful- your Sims friends might not like a negative article written about them ;))
At the top of the journalism career, Sims can write their own fashion magazine (just like publishing a book on the computer). The magazine can then be read, sold, or published for other Sims to enjoy!

The mod is base game compatible.  It should be compatible with all other mods, including custom careers. It does not override anything in your game.  It IS a script mod, so make sure your script mods are enabled and that your game is up to date before playing.  This is not an “active” Get to Work career- so your Sims will not get the option to go to work- instead, this is the “traditional” career, styled like the base game careers. 

How to Play:
The fashion career is available for Young Adults, Adults, and Elders to join. The career starts you off on the bottom of the fashion world, working in retail- and after you work your way up, you have the opportunity to branch off into one of three branches: Model, Designer, or Fashion Journalist.

This career is NOT active (like the ones from Get To Work); you won't follow your Sims to work at all. However, there are custom career tones (actions) for your Sims to do at work- as well as custom buffs/moodlets for doing so.  As your Sim works their way up, the custom tones will replace the generic ones (i.e. "walk the runway" will replace "work hard" for models).
While at work, you may receive a chance card!  These pop up randomly throughout your Sims' day and will give them a scenario that's related to their career in fashion.  There are always two choices, but each choice has a variety of random results which can increase or decrease your Sims' work performance.  There are 17 chance cards in total- each branch has 3-6 chance cards.
Each branch has special interactions and tasks specific to the career (for example, models can “practice modelling” in the mirror, journalists can interview Sims about their outfits and write positive or negative articles about them, and designers can draw custom outfits on the easel and sell them for profit!). Every branch has a different daily task, and each level has objectives to complete before you are promoted.
There are also rewards for promotions. Each level has a monetary reward, but there are also base game objects (which will help to complete the daily task), custom content rewards (which will emit an emotional aura tied to your career), and interactive rewards (like the ability to “Discuss Fashion” with other Sims or “Give Fashion Advice”). When your Sims reach Level 10 of the careers, the Models and Designers receive special traits, and the Journalists can publish magazines.
Each branch has something that makes it unique! Models practice modelling, as mentioned above, and may also walk the runway while at work. Designers can actually paint custom outfits on the easel and sell their designs. Journalists can conduct interviews, write articles, and later publish a fashion magazine. You can play any of the three branches and have a unique experience each time :)
If you need to cheat to skip a career level, the cheat is: careers.promote fashion. To demote a sim, the cheat is: careers.demote fashion.  Please note that using cheats may cause problems with the custom interactions.  Use cheats at your own risk! 

Please note that you cannot switch branches once you've selected one.  For example, if your Sims choose the Designer branch, they cannot later quit and rejoin the fashion career and start a different branch: they will always have to be a designer.  This is the way EA has structured the game- the same thing happens with the base game careers.  There's no way around it, not even using cheats (you can use cheats to demote your Sim, but if they get to level 5, they'll just be fired, and will still have to rejoin at the branch they choose).  I have not tried this myself, but McCommand Center has a function to switch branches.  Otherwise, if you'd like to try all three branches, I recommend using three different Sims to try them out :)
Completing the Daily Tasks:

If you can't find the Daily Tasks, or don't know how to complete them, here's a quick guide to each one:
Fashion Career Levels 1-5 Daily Task: Research Fashion
Can be found on the computer under Web> Research Fashion
Will work on ALL computers (even CC computers)

Model Branch Levels 6-10 Daily Task: Practice Modelling
Can be found on mirrors
Should work on ALL standing mirrors and most wall mirrors (and you’ll receive a new mirror when you’re promoted)

Journalist Branch Level 6-10 Daily Task: Write Articles
First, select a Sim and interview them about their outfit (found in Friendly).
After, click on the computer, go to Write and then write either a negative or positive article about their outfit.  You’ll need to do a few articles for the daily task to be complete.
Will work on all Sims (introduce yourself first) and all computers

Designer Branch Level 6-10 Daily Task: Design Fashion
Click on the easel and click "Design."  Then choose from a small, medium, or large canvas.  Paint a design.
Will work on all easels

If you are having an issue with one of the daily tasks not showing up (like "Research Fashion" not showing up on the computer), more than likely the issue is with the script file.  
Please ensure that script mod

are enabled in your game. Ensure that you have the .ts4script file in your mods folder and that it is no more than one folder deep. The game will also not recognize .ts4script files if they're in a folder with special characters.  If it’s still not working, trying taking the .ts4script file and putting it straight into your Mods folder.  If it STILL doesn’t work, try to toggle the option to enable mods off and then on again and restart your game.  If all else fails, I’m not too sure, haha.  But it should be working after one of those steps :)
Additional Mod (optional)
Custom Get Together Club Interactions:

If you have Get Together, you might be interested in downloading this mod from Konansock on Tumblr!  He made it specifically for the Fashion Career, and it includes new club rules which you can use to create a Fashion Club for your Sims!  Have your Sims in the Fashion Career start a fashion club, and they can do the interactions (like talk about fashion, or design on the easel, if they're in the designer branch, etc.) together- earning points for the club, socializing, AND leveling up in the Fashion Career.  

Future Versions :
I may possibly make an extension of this mod for teens. It would require me making a completely new mod, but there are only 3 levels (and just one branch) so it wouldn't be as much work.
I will, at some point in the future, make a custom event: Fashion Show. My idea is that it'll be a place for models, designers, and journalists to come together and will have custom job-related goals for your Sims to complete depending on their career.
I currently have no plans to make this active.  There are various reasons why, but mainly because I don't want to require the use of yet another lot in our game which hardly has enough lots as is, haha.  Sorry! :)
Change Log/Updates:
May 25th Patch:
This mod has been updated for the May 25th ( patch.  This update will fix issues with your Sim going to work or receiving last exception files while playing.  Please delete the old version and re-download the newest version from the link below.
If you are having one of the above bugs in your game, you need to download the updated version of the mod.  Please delete all the old Fashion Career files (especially the bpsfashioncareer.package and the bpsfashioncareer.ts4script files), download the updated version from the link below and install as usual.  Updating the career should not disturb your Sims already in the fashion career- just do not open or save your save game without the career in your Mods folder :)  
Please let me know if you run across any other bugs during gameplay (if it has to do with the "research fashion" or another custom interaction not "showing up", this is NOT a bug, you probably installed the content wrong- see above for help), so I can ask you follow-up questions and we can work out the problem together.  Also check if the game generates a LastException file and if so, please send it to me. Thank you!
German (thanks to Bananagent)
Spanish (thanks to Fabysims)
Italian (thanks to Lea)
Russian (thanks to Lada Bronnikova)
Chinese (thanks to k-sims-7 and miya1201)
Portuguese (thanks to Yasmini)
French (thanks to Kenza)
Korean (thanks to yakfarm)
Interested in translating this mod into your native language?  Click here!
Tools: Sims4Studio, Blender, TSR Workshop, Photoshop, XML File Finder/Extractor
Meshes: EA for TS3 conversions, Black-Le for the frames
Artwork/Poses: Magazine template from, poses by helgatisha.  Artwork for the designer career paintings belongs to the respective artists- since I found most of these on Google (the rest were from, I don't know who created most of them, but I left the signatures on them :)
Fonts: Ajaysims, Franzilla
Special Thanks: My play testers, @sims4lookbooks, @simmerdownnah, @theawkwardvillain and @ali0222. @humanowitzlegacy and @konansock for writing the chance cards in the journalist track.
How to Install:
Extract the folder then drop the package files in your Documents > Electronic Arts > The Sims 4 > Mods folder. There are several files (the mod itself, as well as the custom rewards)- it might be best to keep them all together in one “Fashion Career” folder.  
Put the .ts4script file in your Mods folder. You may put it in one subfolder, but make sure the folder doesn't have any special characters (like "♥" or "[" etc. see above for more info)  and do not attempt to open or unzip this file. Make sure your script mods are enabled. 
Terms of Use:
Do not upload my content anywhere else or claim as your own.

Do not upload this mod with ANYTHING. Do not edit the files and re-upload it as your own mod. Do not use my mod as the base of your own mod (feel free, however, to peek at the .xml files if you'd like to learn how to create your own mod from scratch!). If you want to edit something for your PERSONAL USE ONLY, feel free, but be warned, the files are complex and really shouldn't be tampered with.

I’d love you to tag me (I follow the tags @brittpinkiesims or #brittpinkiesims on Tumblr) if you use my mod to work in the fashion career, and have a screenshot or video of it (I’ll always reblog your screenshots and videos), but it’s not necessary.


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